
Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio

Acquapendente’s main square, dominated by the resurgent Palazzo Comunale and designed by architect Guglielmo Meluzzi, has always been a meeting place for the population and a commercial centre.

Some of the businesses that line it have noteworthy shop signs.

Bandiera, by Marcello Rossi, is reminiscent of a type of pottery that was very successful in the late 1500s, that of the ‘belle’: large plates depicting a woman in sumptuous dress and a scroll with the name and appellation ‘bella’.

The Bar Natale shop sign, created in 2000, is the work of Rita Pepparulli, a decorator from Torre Alfina. The bar also features some works by local artists, such as the majolica panel by Cesare Del Francia, as well as fun and elaborate ceramic sculptures by Piero Calamai.

Along Piazza Oberdan and Via Cantorrivo, there are many more ceramic  shop signs made by local artists.
